
A cultivated woodland area in the town centre

  • environments
  • uses

Contracting authority : Commune de Plélo

Mission : pre-operational urban study to reinforce the centrality, followed by development of the public spaces

Area and costs : 3 M€HT – 2,2 Ha

Calendar : urban study 2022-2023, public spaces 2023-2025

Team : ATELIER IRIS CHERVET mandatory, EXPERTISE URBAINE programmation, ABEIL engineering, URBAN WATER hydrology

The existing public park extends right up to the foot of the town hall, turning the town centre into a genuine garden. Traffic and parking are structured to enhance the appeal of the shops. New shops like a grocery and a bakery are being set up in the town’s “empty spaces”, filling in and creating newly continuous blocks. Public spaces between the church and the town hall are designed to have two levels: an upper, planted square which extends from the park, and a lower paved square featuring the new bakery and a market hall.#cut

The project also recreates the ecological and hydrological links between the town centre and the Leff valley. A land recycling operation on an agricultural brownfield site behind the town centre will allow for the development of a future eco-district.

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A river archipelago in the floodplain of the Adour